Imposter Syndrome

This is a love note for you in the form of a story and a mirror so you can see your imposter syndrome.  

Here's how my over-achiever, people-pleasing brain used to act when things were going really well at work. 

Situation: I'm killing it. Making things happen. Getting it done. Getting high-fives and kuddos. Forming new work-friendships. 

Brain says: "Ack. Don't like me too much! I'll just fail and disappoint you and then it will suck for both of us! I'm not that great - look at all of these ways I f'd up! I'm an imposter! I make mistakes all the time! Blergh." 

*Cue emotional implosion* 

What's the deal with imposter syndrome? 

It's a safety mechanism. Like nearly everything your brain does on autopilot, when you start to doubt your ability to do the thing it's because on some level you don't believe you can do the thing. 

I want to offer you this: IT IS OK. 

It's THE NORM to not have 100% belief. 
How you get the belief that you can do the thing? DO THE THING. 

This means: It is completely normal to feel imposter syndrome. It's completely normal to feel imposter syndrome before, during, and yes, even after you've done the thing.  

The only way you'll ever have 100% belief in your ability is once it's done. And even then, your brain is gonna want to show you the risks and reasons why you won't be able to do it again. 

"So how do I let my lack of belief not derail me?"

"How do I keep imposter syndrome from stopping me in my tracks?"

Imposter syndrome is irrelevant. 

If you want to do the thing, and you like your reasons why: 

  1. Focus on the reasons why you want it. Why is it important? What difference will it make?

  2. Look at where you need extra support. Listen to the doubts and reasons as if they are trying to tell you want you need to work on next. Where there are likely fail points, where you've been phoning it in, where you have resistance - be curious and then get strategic. Plan for it. Enlist support. Imposter syndrome is simply an indication of what you need to work on next.

  3. Keep going. Pay more attention to what you want to believe, what you want to accomplish, and becoming the person who can get it done.

Keep going because what you want and why you want it matter because YOU matter.

You can't wait for your brain to have all of the automatic thoughts that fuel you.

Your success requires you retrain your brain to allow the discomfort and take intentional action anyway - on purpose, for a purpose. 

This is totally possible and you are totally capable. 

If you'd like help with this, come coach with me in the Level Up group coaching membership:

If you want to learn the coaching skills you need to help your teams do this, you can apply to join the Leader's Coaching Mentorship:


Managing the Assholes You Work With, For and Those You Lead


Quick question. How do you want to show up?